lundi 22 août 2011

EEF submissions for EclipseCon Europe

This year, I will try to present two talks to EclipseCon Europe about the Extended Editing Framework (EEF) and more generally Eclipse Modeling : Scientific application redesign in oil industry with Eclipse Modeling and 25 min to take care of your end users with EEF!.

Scientific application redesign in oil industry with Eclipse Modeling

This first talk deals with a work we made with IFP energies nouvelles (IFPEN) for redesign a part of its platform OpenFlow. IFPEN develops and provides a platform aiming at creating scientific softwares for oil production industry. This platform offers several services like tools helping creation of graphical user interfaces or a communication framework to send data to supercomputers.

The communication part of the suite is fully operational but can be really improved, mainly in the way the communications are described. The work with IFPEN was to create a communication designer with EcoreTools and to generate all the communication layer of the IFPEN platform with Acceleo 3.

For this talk, I will be assisted by two persons of IFPEN and we will show you :
  • The different elements of Eclipse Modeling we used to made this redesign
  • A demonstration of the final Communication Designer
  • And a demonstration of a second tool we made to create automatically GUI with EEF

25 min to take care of your end users with EEF!

The second talk I proposed is more EEF-centric. EEF has reached its version 1.0 and is no longer in incubation. The two years in incubation allowed the framework to be more and more robust and to be a real candidate to become the EMF.edit framework version 2.0!

I will try to focus this talk on a tutorial aspect to enable people attending the presentation to use EEF immediatly on their own use cases.
The talk will start with a short introduction of the project and will be followed by a first tutorial to get good looking properties view for a given metamodel defined with Ecore.
After a short presentation of the different kinds of generable GUI with EEF, a second tutorial will show how to create very usable form editors with the extension part of EEF.

I hope this description of the talks I've submitted around EEF convinced you and make you want to come to this wonderful event that is Europe EclipseCon !

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